Covington Pro Locksmith

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Importance of having a gun safe

If you have guns or any firearms at home, you absolutely must have a gun safe. Gun safes protect not only your loved ones and guests, but also the guns themselves.

So, what is a gun safe?

We all know what a safe look like and likewise, for a gun. But what does a gun safe look like and do? A gun safe is also known as a gun cabinet and it can house your rifles, handguns, ammunition and other items related to your weapons. They are made of wood, steel, aluminum and fiberglass and can be locked in a variety of ways; everything from a key to cutting edge biometric locks. Costs vary but you can purchase a used gun safe for under $100 and can spend upwards of a thousand dollars for new, advanced models.

What are your goals?

Do you seek protection for your guns? That alone is a worthy goal. You might want to keep your weapons secure from thieves or from home invaders. Maybe you have children at home and the goal is to keep your guns out of their hands. Often, just keeping guns locked up is enough to prevent accidents or other tragedies when domestic disputes or drunken horseplay is involved. Accidental shootings are on the rise nationwide and many of these could have been prevented if the guns had not been so readily accessible. Do you want your guns hidden and secretly stashed? Or, would you like them displayed proudly but still not readily accessible to others? As you can see, it’s easy to get creative with your gun safe parameters.

Confusing problem

Here’s the situation; people want their guns handy, in case of need. Imagine that you are lying in bed; slightly awake and you hear the sound of glass breaking and voices. It hits you like a ton of bricks; someone’s in your home! You feel frightened, vulnerable and angry all at the same time. Here’s another scenario. You have guests coming. They are spending a few days and nights with you and your kids. These guests like their nightlife and you don’t want them to be too rowdy, especially with guns in the house. See the dilemma? You need and want access to your guns when they are needed. You also want locked security for your firearms to keep them safe from theft, weather and horseplay. You also want your guns locked up and not so accessible to anyone inside your home. What to do? How do you accomplish all of the above with a minimum of expense and hassle?

The best solution for your gun safe needs

There’s no one-size-fits-all gun safe. Everyone’s needs are different and unique to their situation, including yours. This is why you should work with your local residential locksmith of choice when deciding on the best gun safe purchases, options and upgrades. You are always welcome to call our shop, or, if you don’t live in the area, call a licensed, bonded and insured locksmith firm in your locale. Doing so has many benefits over buying your gun safe from a safe shop or from a home improvement store or hardware shop.  Not only can you use your residential locksmith for all of your gun safe needs, but the same technicians can be of assistance whenever you are locked out, in need of basic service or want security upgrades.

So many options!

Your gun safe choices are practically unlimited. In fact, you have a huge vast choice of gun safe models, dimensions and materials to select yours from. There are gun safes for every need and budget. You also have a huge choice of locking methods to choose from. Dial combinations, keypads, padlocks, and even fingerprint technology are possible options for you to consider. Be sure and use a locksmith shop that offers free price quotes and free, no obligation consultations so that you can be all the more prepared to make an educated decision about your new gun safe purchase and its placement in your home.

Gun safes are not just for guns!

This surprises many, but the truth is that gun safes can be used to store anything you want in them! Many of our customers use their gun safes to store ammunition, passports, flash drives, important documents, cash, rare coins, art, old photos, birth certificates, gift cards, vintage books, collectibles and any other items of value. These can include gold coins and silver bars, stamp and coin collections, jewelry and rare gems, expensive watches, and anything else of value to you.

Where to buy your gun safe

Avoid department stores and home improvement stores as their selection and knowledge of gun safes are limited at best. Even if you find one you like, the clerk will be either minimum wage or on commission and won’t be able to accurately answer your many questions as to options, materials, warranties, maintenance and delivery issues. You will also pay a high retail mark-up for buying through these stores. You’ll get the same type of service at a safe store but you’ll pay a premium price and since that’s all that they sell. These stores tend to outsource delivery, set-up, service and maintenance so your consumer dollars are better spent somewhere else.

You can buy gun safes at flea markets, online and in yard and estate sales but bear in mind that doing so might save you money but that the burden of research, set up and maintenance is all on you. Our strongest recommendation is that you work with a full-service locksmith shop that offers a wide range of gun safes for home and business use.